About Us

After high school in Wichita, Kansas. I attended Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas, where I majored in biology – with an emphasis in herpetology. I kept and bred reptiles as a hobby throughout the following years while working at different jobs to support my family. I was particularly honored to have worked under the late Ron Blakely in the herpetarium at the Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita, Kansas, in the late 1970s.

Like many in our profession/hobby, I was hooked on reptiles and amphibians since I was old enough to walk. My mother never discouraged my brother and me from catching and keeping our “pets” since there were no indigenous venomous reptiles in Wichita. After keeping snakes since childhood, I successfully hatched my first eggs in 1973. but I never dreamed I’d be able to work/play with snakes as a career.

In 1999, after the last of our three children finished high school, Tammie (my wife) and I sold our reptile pet shop EXOTIC PETS in Wichita and moved to Texas. Our business is largely Internet and mail order based and we no longer vend at any reptile Expos. We will meet local customers in New Braunfels to personally deliver orders they prefer not to be shipped. That is by appointment only, and we charge $20.00 for that personal service. We regret that we cannot have visitors at SMR, but for insurance and security reasons, we were forced to stop allowing visits in 2005.

We are pleased you chose to visit our web site, and encourage you to send an email anytime you have questions or comments about our products or about the care and breeding of snakes. If we don’t have answers to your questions, we’ll direct you to respective resources.

Contact Us
Don Soderberg
South Mountain Reptiles
Canyon Lake, TX
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/southmountainreptiles
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smrcornsnakes/